hamesha jaana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word hamesha jaana usage in english sentences. The examples of hamesha jaana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., attend.

For instance, when you are told by your teacher about a test which s/he plans to hold, it would arouse you to attend to the specific chapters.

If motivation is adequately provided, work becomes a source of pleasure and workers attend to the work regularly.
Similarly, the examples of downward communication include sending notice to employees to attend a meeting, ordering subordinates to complete an assigned work, passing on guidelines framed by top management to the subordinates etc.
Some exercises also allow scope for the learners languages to support one another s by asking for reflection on relevant words, or poems or stories in other languages; and attempt (preliminary as they may be) to attend to the process of translation.
In educational institutions managed by private bodies no person shall be compelled to take part in any religious instruction or to attend any religious worship.
He and his uncle had set out to attend a yajna being organised in Mathura.
So, to attend to all these tasks, several arrangements are made in all modern democracies.
When we are stressed, we have an inbuilt selective bias to attend to negative thoughts and images from the past, which affect our perception of the present and the future.
The second level is preconscious, which includes mental activity of which people may become aware only if they attend to it closely.
This naturally has an impact on whether girls can attend school.
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